Good News #336: I Constantly Remind Myself: I Am Blessed Not Based On My Merits, But Because of Jesus, I Am Loved By My Heavenly Father!

Oftentimes, we make Christianity a religion by way of our thinking. Many of us think that blessings come upon us because we did this and did that.

In the story of creation in Genesis, we know that God created everything else BEFORE He formed man out of the ground.

Do you see it? God already created everything so that when mankind came into the scene, everything mankind would ever need was already available. Man just needs to enjoy God’s creations and God’s presence Himself.

Adam never did anything to make God bless him as much as He did. God blessed Adam because God’s character is just that. He loves to bless and loves to love on people because He is love.

We see the same in how God never had to be coerced and begged for His Son Jesus to come and save us.

Jesus, Himself said that God so loves the world that He sent Jesus…

There is nothing and no one higher than Jesus. He is The Son of God…. yet God Himself gave us Jesus so that we can come back into the communion with God that was lost when Adam and Eve fell in the garden… and, in turn, enjoy everything that He has for us that had been suspended because of the fall of man.

The gospel is this — there is nothing that we do or do not do that makes God love us.
He already loves us because that is who He is…
Even when the enemy comes to curse us, He turns it into a blessing…
Why? Because the Lord our God loves us.

Nevertheless the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.

Deuteronomy 23:5