Good News #331: I Praise Jesus and Magnify His Name for Exceedingly Prospering Me!

No normal decent earthly father would prosper a servant far more than his sons and daughters…

Psalm 35 was written by David, a man under the old covenant who said that The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

God Himself testified of David as a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22), so this tells us that David knows God and God’s heart… and David tells us that The Lord takes pleasure in the prosperity of God’s servant… This is already amazing on its own — God is a God who does not impoverish anyone who serves Him.

Yet… unlike David, we are not in the old covenant. We have a better covenant cut not by the blood of bulls and goats but by the eternal blood of The Son of God Himself.

And… unlike David, we are not just servants of The Lord… although we are… but we are first children of God… sons and daughters of God… because the better covenant that we have includes adoption into the family of God… which enables us to serve Him… we have the Spirit inside us bearing witness that we are children of God. (Romans 8:16)

We have a better covenant… and if the old covenant testifies of the pleasure of the Lord in the prosperity of His servants… then we are assured that God, who is our Father, will take pleasure in prospering us, His children.

The gospel is this — The new covenant gave us adoption into the family of God.
We are not just servants… we are sons and daughters of God who serve in the kingdom’s business.
If God prospers His servants, He will surely exceedingly prosper His very own children.

Let them shout for joy and be glad,
Who favor my righteous cause;
And let them say continually,
“Let the Lord be magnified,
Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

Psalm 35:27