Good News #327: When Jesus Promised His Provisions for My Life, I Receive Them Now and In the Afterlife!

Many think that Jesus only offers salvation from hell. This is not true because the gift of salvation that Jesus paid for us to have is all-inclusive.

The gift of salvation Jesus offers is salvation and redemption from all the things on this earth that do not align with heaven’s realities.

Here are just a few of heaven’s realities:
⁃ No sicknesses and diseases
⁃ No hunger, lack, and poverty
⁃ No wars and death
⁃ No depression, fears, anxieties, failures
⁃ No pestilences, plagues, disappointments
and much more.

These things are hard to comprehend because we do not know any better than the realities of this fallen world… but whether we believe it or not, it is the truth of heaven’s realities nonetheless. There is nothing that harms, hurts… is bad, and evil… in heaven.

This is one of the many wonderful things Jesus did — He made it available for everyone who believes in Him to experience heaven’s realities here on earth.

In Mark 10, when Peter pointed out to Jesus that they left everything to follow Him, Jesus assured them that everyone who chooses Him and His gospel would, IN THIS PRESENT WORLD… not in the afterlife… and IN THIS TIME… not in the afterlife, they will enjoy peace and fellowship with people not just as friends but as family… they will not be homeless but will own their own spaces, they will enjoy the produce from their work, etc.

The gospel is this — Jesus will not shortchange anyone who chooses to believe Him and His gospel.
He decreed for heavenly provision to be enjoyed in this present world.
Whatta God we have in Jesus!

So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.

Mark 10:29-30