Good News #325: Despite Whatever’s Happening Around Me, I Know For Sure That Jesus Does Not Change – He Loves Me, and His Mercy Endures Forever!

The old testament gives us an account of how patient and longsuffering our God is. He gives His people so many chances to get right with Him… so that He can be their God who heals, protects, provides for, fights, prospers them…

Despite the children of Israel going through cycles of turning away from God and worshipping the pagan idols of the surrounding nations, and then getting into trouble with their enemies, God raised judges for them time and time again to lead them militarily and get them out of the oppression of their enemies.

Despite God making Himself available to rule and reign in their midst so that He could prosper them and keep them separate and above the rest of the world, the children of Israel demanded for a king, imitating the structure of other nations. This is a direct refusal of His governance, yet The Lord respected their choice and gave them Saul and eventually made a perpetual covenant with David that his lineage would rule and reign forever. We know this to be ultimately fulfilled in King Jesus.

Despite being rejected by His own, Jesus chose to suffer and die a gruesome death for the salvation of the entire human race… including those who mocked Him and beat Him…

Despite being rejected by many…
Despite His name being used in vulgar expressions…
The Lord Jesus continues to reach out to humanity, making Himself and all He has available to heal, save, deliver, redeem, bless, prosper, protect, preserve…
The Lord Jesus continues to offer the gift of salvation He paid for with His blood and His life.

The gospel is this — If it were not for God being Love Himself and if it were not for God to be unchanging in who He is, we would all have been consumed by the corruption in this world.
He intervenes in the affairs of mankind to keep us from being destroyed by this world and by our own folly.
He pursues humanity as long as we are on this earth because He is not willing for anyone, even the wicked, to perish.
He is why we are not consumed by the madness in this world.
Whatta God!

For I am the Lord, I do not change;
Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.

Malachi 3:6