Good News #323: In the Name of Jesus, I Have the Authority to Defeat My Enemies and Render Them Powerless!

The Resurrected Jesus said all authority had been given to Him in heaven and on earth. This means every creature is subject to the Name Jesus… every creature… even the invisible ones roaming this fallen world.

It is easy for us human beings, even Christians, to think that our enemies are the ones we see with our naked eye. While it’s true that some of us do act like enemies of mankind (we all do in varying degrees), the deeper reality in this fallen world is that there are unclean spiritual beings who do not belong to this world. They are rebels of heaven, so they are here being squatters in a world that do not belong to them, making mankind miserable. The Bible calls these demons… and what they do is bring hell on earth. They are God’s enemies, and because they can’t fight against God Himself because He is too powerful for them, they hurt the ones God loves — humanity.

The Bible is very clear on these things —
• diseases and sicknesses are works of the devil
• mental health issues are works of the devil
• the devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy

Behind the miseries of humanity is an unclean spirit trying to steal, kill and destroy humanity.

Thank God for Jesus, who came to defeat satan and all powers of hell.
The Name Jesus has power and authority over all — in heaven, on earth, and under the earth — every knee has no choice but to bow to the Name, Jesus.

Here’s the cool part — Jesus gave us authority to use His name to cast out demons… expel evil spirits, and push forward His kingdom by kicking out and pushing the devil out of every territory we tread in faith by The Name of Jesus.

The gospel is this — Jesus gave you authority to expel demons and cast them out where they do not belong… in His name.
It’s long overdue for all of us to stop being a victim of the enemy.
Jesus’ Name gives us the authority to kick and crush the enemy underfoot.

And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues…

Mark 16:17