Good News #313: I Love Being with Jesus and His Presence, and He Enjoy Being with Me, Too!

It is strange that some christians act as if they have to beg The Lord to be with them… as if they have to twist His arm so His presence will be with them. Some think that when things happen to them and the favor of The Lord manifests in their lives that it was their “persistence and perseverance” in petition and supplications that made it happen. This is pride and self-righteousness.

It was God’s idea from the beginning to be with mankind… to make Himself available to mankind. In the book of Genesis, we don’t find Adam bending backwards just so he can make God decide to have Adam enjoy the presence of The Lord in the cool of the day… God Himself independently thought of making His Presence available for Adam to enjoy. Sadly, mankind forfeited the privilege of basking in the Presence of The Lord because of Adam’s disobedience.

In the old testament, we read The Lord declaring to chosen ones that He will be with them… Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon…

Today, in the new testament, His Promise is that for everyone who believes and receives Jesus, His Presence will never leave nor forsake them… meaning He will abide with them forever… and we know this is fulfilled in the Person of The Holy Spirit indwelling every believer making each one His very own temple.

Our human pride makes us think we can manipulate God to be with us… or do something to make Him decide to be with us… This is disgusting pride… We can never earn His Presence…
He Himself makes His Presence available to everyone who believes in Jesus.

The gospel is this — God is ever present and available to humanity.
He waits on us for His Presence to be received through His Son Jesus…
And when we do, His Presence abides with us forever… never leaving us nor forsaking us.
It is His idea to dwell among mankind…
and He made a way for us to be able to enjoy this privilege.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.

Isaiah 43:2