Good News #305: Jesus’ Blood Was Shed for My Redemption; By His Perfect Sacrifice My Eternal Salvation is Secured!

God never created man for man to die. Death was never part of His plan.
Death only entered because Adam disobeyed.

Disobedience (sin) to The God of life means death.

Romans 3:23a tells us:
“For the wages of sin is death,”

God’s justice and righteousness requires death as the penalty of man’s sin…

YET… the love, grace and mercy of God does not want the death of mankind because He did not create man to die and the death of man means eternal separation from Him, which God also does not want because He created man to be a recipient of His eternal goodness.

So what did God do? He worked on man’s redemption… but this work had to be done through man because God has already given dominion of the world to mankind… in a sense, although God is sovereign, God will have to work with and through man…

Also, God’s justice and righteousness requires man’s death for man’s sin… it requires man’s blood to be shed for man’s sin… but man’s blood is already tainted blood so even if man was to die, man’s death would still not atone for man’s sins because only holy, innocent, righteous human blood can do so…

Sinner’s blood cannot atone for sinner’s sin… tainted defiled blood cannot wash clean…

So God took it upon Himself to shed blood and die for man… but how?

Jesus said in John 4:24a:
“God is Spirit,”

This means God does not have physical blood, which is a requirement for atonement and remission of sins.

so what did God do?
God, The Word, Who is Spirit came in the flesh… so that in Him coming in the flesh, Eternal blood was made available to be shed. Whatta God!

Do you know that none of Mary’s blood is in Jesus’ veins?

Medical science tells us that a child in the womb never receives blood from the mother. A child’s blood only comes from the father.

Mary’s blood is tainted blood.
Jesus only had pure divine and righteous eternal blood in His veins from The Father.

The gospel is this — God is just, holy, righteous, loving, gracious, merciful…
Even though mankind sinned against God.
God took it upon Himself to shed blood and die for sinful undeserving mankind.
Jesus’ death on the cross for us met the requirement of God’s holiness, righteousness and justice…
Jesus’ death on the cross for us also showed us what a loving, gracious, merciful God we have…
Jesus is the answer to justice, holiness, righteousness… and a powerful display of love, grace and mercy…
Jesus is the gospel.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
Leviticus 17:11