In Jesus, He Loves to Save You! – Devotional Commentary of This is Our God by Phil Wickham

Do you ever feel ashamed and shameful? Telling yourself that you have done so many bad things and bad choices in life that they cannot be erased and forgiven? All the guilt and burden weighing you down? As you go through life all these guilty feelings make you miserable, guilt-ridden, and condemned. You are trapped and feel like in prison because of fear, and to you, it seems there is no way out. Then, you live each day with no sense of freedom. And you ask yourself: Is there a way out of this misery? This burden? This prison that you are in? And the answer is yes! There is a way out!

Let me tell you right now that all of these feelings and questions – the answer to them all is Jesus! He will unburden your misery, fear, guilt, and condemnation. And make no mistake, He will give you the freedom that you long to have!

Check out this devotional commentary video of This is Our God by Phil Wickham as I share grace-based reactions to expound on the song’s message.