Day 20: God Walks With Me, Calling Me By My Name – All Because of Jesus!
I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.
Leviticus 26:12
When God says I will be your God, it means what He is God of, you get to enjoy it. When He walks amongst you and He makes you His people, it means what He is capable of becomes a norm for you.
Here’s just a sampling of what this all means through what Jesus, the express image of God [Hebrews 1:3] showed us.
Where Jesus was, demons tremble and they flee from His presence. They beg Him not to torture them and He dismisses them with a word.
Where Jesus was, sicknesses and diseases left people.
When Jesus spoke, storms immediately stopped.
Where Jesus was, loaves and fishes get multiplied.
Where Jesus was, water turned to wine and celebration goes on.
The good, the great, the miraculous, the supernatural and much more happen where Jesus walks.
Today, in the new covenant, we get to enjoy every good, great, miraculous, supernatural and much more, because Jesus dwells in us in the Person of the Holy Spirit and because God Himself said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” [Hebrews 13:5]
Thank you for good resorce for us