Day 16: I Am Not Alone in My Battles, My God is Fighting For Me – All Because of Jesus!
Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.
Leviticus 26:8
The world had depicted the devil to be this huge scary creature that stands tall above people. On the other hand, the world has depicted angels to either be lithe creatures that cannot seem to do anything but hover and sing hallelujah or little children with wings shooting arrows to make people fall in love during Valentine’s day.
The world cannot be more wrong on these two depictions. In the bible, everytime an angel appears to people, people are left in awe and trembling because of how majestic these creatures are.
All angels in heaven are under the command of Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of hosts, meaning the Lord of the army of heaven. Jesus commands it, and because Jesus lives in you in the Person of the Holy Spirit, as you speak the word of God against the enemy and his evil works, all of heaven lines up to fulfill the word of God spoken through your mouth. Not because of how awesome you think you are but because He [The Holy Spirit] who is in you is greater than he (the devil) who is in the world. [1 John 4:4]
The word of God is the sword of the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 6:17] and He wields it against the enemy on your behalf as you speak it forth. As you speak forth the word of God, the sword of the Spirit causes your enemies to fall before you.