Day 11: I Shall Be Above and Not Beneath, the Head and Not the Tail – All Because of Jesus!

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.

Deuteronomy 28:13

The experience of the world is that life is ups and downs. This leads almost everyone in the world to believe that life is indeed ups and downs but the bible teaches us that life does not have to be ups and downs.

Here it says The Lord will make you the head and NOT the tail. It also says you shall be ABOVE ONLY and NOT be beneath.

This is contrary to the world’s belief of ups and downs.

The life of being the head and above only is available to every born again child of God.

This life of being the head and above only is a portion for every born again child of God.

NOT because of what they did to earn it but because of what Jesus did on the cross more than two thousand years ago.

Jesus paid the price for a life of ups and ups for everyone who comes to Him and believes in Him that He is the Son of God and believes in what He had down — dying for us, getting buried for us and having been raised from the dead having declared anyone who believes in Him righteous [Romans 4:17, YLT]

Truly, the life and life more abundant that Jesus promised [John 10:10] for those who are in Him is ups and ups.