Day 10: The Lord Will Open to Me His Good Treasures, the Heavens, Giving Me Rain in Its Season – All Because of Jesus!

The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

Deuteronomy 28:12

Back in Genesis, we read that BEFORE the fall of man, a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground [Genesis 2:6] but because of Adam’s fall, we read that the ground was cursed [Genesis 3:17].

The curse on the ground is why, today, not all seeds sown into the ground grows. The curse on the ground is also the reason why not all plants bear fruit as they should.

When man fell, the Lord in His great mercy towards man, opened up the heavens to water the ground so it can still produce food for man. The Lord made a way to sustain man even in a fallen world which is man’s own doing to begin with.

Here it says The Lord will open the heavens to give the rain to the land IN ITS SEASON. This means that the Lord has ordained for the rain to fall in its perfect time because rain, out of schedule, will cause flooding and will destroy lives. For example, if the rain pours twice as much as it is scheduled to do so, it will cause flooding and destroy lives.

The Lord schedules it in its season to ensure that the land receives as much as it needs so that it is a blessing and not more that it becomes a curse.

In addition to that, the Lord uses the rain to bless all the work of the hand. Without the blessing of the Lord, nothing much comes out of our work, no matter how hard we work because only the blessing of the Lord prospers what we do.

And as the Lord blesses our portion in life (land) that He has given us with His blessings (rain) and blesses all our efforts (the work of our hand), we find ourselves in so much abundance that we gain the capacity to lend to others without suffering lack in our own lives.

This is the God of the bible. He wants His children to be so well-provided for far more than they can think or ask.