Jesus is God’s Yes and Amen to All His Promises

For all the promises of God in Him (Jesus) are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

2 Corinthians 1:20 [NKJV]

In the old covenant, the blessings of God in the promises of His Word only come upon mankind through obeying the law, and wherever man disobeys the law, a curse comes upon him instead.

For every disobedience, man had to offer an animal sacrifice to atone for his disobedience.

The old covenant of blessing and cursing is dependent on the blood of sacrificed animals — bulls, rams, goats, pigeons, doves, etc. — tainted blood that can never fully remit sins, only cover.

In the new covenant, the blessings of God in the promises of His word come upon anyone and everyone who believes and receives Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is because Jesus came to fulfill the law for humanity so that everyone who believes in Him may receive the blessings because of His obedience to the perfect law of God.

Jesus also died with all of humanity’s disobediences and unlike the blood of bulls and goats, the blood of Jesus is the blood of the eternal God Himself, untainted blood, which is the only one that can fully atone for sins, eternally and permanently.

This is why today all of God’s promises in His word – prosperity, health, peace, etc. – are on those who believe in Jesus and His sacrifice because Jesus is the Yes and Amen to the perfect law of God.