You Shall Not Be Found Lacking! #promisekeeper

Psalm 23 is probably the most famous Psalm out there and it talks about our Lord Jesus being our Good Shepherd.

And of everything that the Holy Spirit could have focused first on what it means to have the Lord as our Shepherd, the Holy Spirit chose to open the Psalm with:

The Lord is my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT BE FOUND LACKING.

Psalm 23:1

In other words, when we make Jesus our Shepherd, nothing that we will ever need will be lacking from us and to make sure that the provision spoken of in here is not misinterpreted as spiritual, the Psalm then goes on to talk about abundance of physical food in the next verse:

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters. (Psalm 23:3)

Grass is sheep’s food. A sheep lying in green pastures speaks of being in the abundance of food and still waters mean a good supply of water. This sheep is never going to go hungry nor thirsty.

Right after the physical provisions, it talks about emotional well-being (soul) and guidance (lead in paths).

He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake. (Psalm 23:4)

You see, the Lord Jesus does not only take care of our afterlife, He is also as concerned about making sure we enjoy our present life when we make Him our Shepherd.

He takes care we don’t go hungry or thirsty. He also makes sure we are emotionally peaceful and led into every good thing in this present life.

What a Savior!