The Lord Takes Care of Your Future and Past So You Can Enjoy the Present! #promisekeeper

For you shall not go out with haste,
Nor go by flight;
For the Lord will go before you,
And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

Isaiah 52:12

Most people do not truly enjoy the present because they are either worrying about the future or fearing their past will catch up with them.

When God’s people were finally delivered from the bondage of Egypt, The Lord went before them as a cloud by day to protect them from the heat and a pillar of fire by night to light their way. As long as the cloud or pillar are before them, God’s people need not worry about what tomorrow brings because the Lord God has gone ahead before them.

And when pharaoh and his army tried to catch up to bring them back as slaves, The Lord God opened the Red Sea so they can pass through as He held back the Egyptians.

And as every single one of His people are safe on the other side, He let loose the waters behind them and swallowed up pharaoh’s entire army, never to be able to harm His people again.

Beloved, just as God has gone before and stood as rearguard for the children of Israel in times past, He continues to do the same for you and I today who have been made His children through believing in His Son Jesus.