Day 17: I Am a Friend of Jesus Christ!

Merriam Webster defines a friend as “one attached to another by affection or esteem”. In the verse John 15:15, Jesus no longer calls us servants but regards us as His friends. He is attached to us by affection or esteem. This is pretty obvious though as He died for us on the cross to forgive our sins. One does not get brutally beaten, whipped, humiliated for many hours just because they don’t like us. He truly does love us. The point of this is that He cares a lot about us, but think about your normal friends today. You can have a normal conversation with them and just talk about your day, and they’re there to listen to you.

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.

John 15:15

The same is true with Jesus and the Holy Spirit He sent. You are there to talk to the Holy Spirit and have a conversation, have a relationship with Him. Because as we have laid out, not only is He your friend, but also a great powerful companion. The Spirit has the power of Jesus Christ. It has His wisdom, knowledge, and strength. The only way you can fully realize and utilize your friendship is if you develop a stable and good relationship with that friend. To develop this friendship, let us make sure to talk to Him frequently, keep Him very close, and trust Him all the way.