Day 7: I Am Safely and Securely Protected in Christ Jesus

Does anyone remember the early days of your born again life? Did you notice how some areas in your life didn’t much have challenges before you were born again? And then all of a sudden, weird challenges came up in these areas?

By now, you would have known that those came from the devil trying to attack you. You see, before you believed in and accepted Jesus in your life, you had a dead spirit and you were an enemy of God. But when you believed in Jesus, immediately you were given a brand new spirit. You were born again and you became no less than a child of God.

And because you are now a child of God, the devil sees you as an enemy. He will try to form weapons against you to discourage you but know this — No matter what weapon the enemy devises, it will NEVER prosper. Why? Because he is a defeated foe and you are fully secure and protected IN Christ Jesus.

Also, understand that the only forms of weapons that the enemy have are lies and deceptions of condemnation so whenever the enemy tries to bother with lies of condemnation against you and your family, declare “No weapons formed against me and my family shall prosper” and condemn lying symptoms of any forms of disease, condemn poverty, condemn lack, etc.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

Today, understand that God The Father is The righteous Judge and He will never condemn you! So don’t accept the condemnations from the enemy.