Day 2: I Am God’s Masterpiece, Fearfully and Wonderfully Created

I am God’s masterpiece. Repeat that and let yourself hear that truth over and over again: “I am God’s masterpiece.”

This is an important truth that every Christ-believer needs to hear, and every Christ-believer should assure themselves of this truth – especially when the world, other people or circumstances are telling them otherwise.
Now remember that being God’s masterpiece has nothing to do with your actions performed or words said. This is nothing I have done or you have done, but what God, our Creator, has done. Nothing changes the truth that God created us as His masterpiece. This truth can never be undone. God, the Master Artist, paints the canvas of our lives every day with His beauty, love and destiny. Each brush stroke placed perfectly and intentionally, all for our good and all for His glory.

I am God’s masterpiece. Why should we be so confident about this? Because He declares it in His Word:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Realize that being a masterpiece is solely dependent on the Creator, the Master Artist. It has nothing to with us having extraordinary skill, intellect, or lack of either. The masterpiece potential in us is a part of who we are, as Christ-believers, placed within us by God as He knit us together in your mother’s womb and in my mother’s womb.

While we’re not the artist, we have a responsibility in living life to its highest potential as the masterpiece God made us to be through our actions, choices and thoughts. As we allow Him to be our life’s ultimate priority, the masterpiece potential He’s infused within us gets released for others to see, as we become lights of the world and salts to the earth.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

PSALM 139:14

We choose to submit to the power of His Spirit living in us and prayerfully ask Him to give us the desire and power to do so. In moments when we do not feel like God’s masterpiece, we will ask Him to empower us to press beyond our feelings to the truth of His Word: I am God’s masterpiece. When the enemy tries to convince us that we are nothing more than a fake, a forgery, let us speak and declare aloud His Word: I am God’s masterpiece.

This fact has huge ramifications for how you and I should carry on with our lives, love God, love ourselves as well as other people. As His masterpiece and by the intensity of His Spirit living in us, we will love ourselves too much to allow sinful behaviors, attitudes, and words to dominate our thinking. As His masterpiece and by the power of His Spirit living in us, we will see and love others as the masterpieces He created them to be, seeing beyond where they are to their God-given potential. Truly this is the prism of the cross of Jesus. And this is the prism that God, our loving Heavenly Father, views us through as we follow Jesus.

Let’s repeat this truth again! “I am God’s masterpiece.”

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God.

Genesis 1:27