Day 16: In Christ Jesus, I Am Doubly Protected!

There are Christians today who are familiar with Psalm 23. They can even recite it from memory, yet they are confused with the character of The Good Shepherd that Psalm 23 talks about. They stumble on verse 4 because it has been taught in error in times past.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

This verse had been taught wherein the rod and the staff of The Good Shepherd is taught to be that which are used to whack a straying sheep. Nothing could be farther than the truth.

Here’s scripture truth on this verse:
Both rod and staff represent the word of God, but they are used in different ways.

The rod is the word of God AGAINST the enemy. When a believer confesses the word of God, it is the sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6 that slashes at the enemy who will try to attack a sheep.

The staff is the word of God FOR The Good Shepherd’s sheep. When a believer is in dire circumstances (even as a consequence of bad decisions), the word of God becomes a beacon of light shining hope into the situation as The Good Shepherd turns everything for the good of those who are His.

This is why Psalm 23:4 says that both rod and staff comfort.

Today, believe that your Good Shepherd, Jesus, uses His staff to guide you back into the flock when you go astray. The Good Shepherd uses the hook of the staff to pull you up when you fall into a ditch.

And most of all, The Good Shepherd’s rod will severely injure and maim any enemy that tries to come at you.

As a sheep in the flock of Jesus, The Good Shepherd, you are doubly protected.