Day 20: With Jesus in Me, I Am Different!

Jesus Christ is the most important figure we can have in our lives. He took our place on the cross for our sins, and died a gruesome death in our behalf. When He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit, so we’re not alone in the world. By His redeeming grace, everlasting life is readily available for those who believe and for those who put their trust in Him.

Knowing all of this, and the assurance that Jesus has given believers in this life and the life eternal with Him, why then are so many believers still worried, anxious and stressed out? Don’t they know that through Christ all things can be done? Could it be that these believers have a knowledge and/or perspective problem?

Some believers think they have the right knowledge and/or perspective already. However, their actions do not conform to this notion. On the contrary, by their actions, some believers act just like those without Christ – what those unbelievers in the world are constantly doing. So in essence, there’s really no difference between those in Christ and those without Him. For instance, if the world is constantly in panic mode and without peace, sadly, some believers are also doing the same. Now, aren’t believers supposed to be beacons of joy and hope in a world filled with darkness and unbelief?

If believers are acting the same as those in the world, how can we affect change to a world needing the light of Jesus? How can we bring unbelievers to the family of God in Christ, to convince others that having Christ in their lives is a better option when all they see in believers are the same worries plaguing and haunting them? If there’s really no difference between a Christ-believer and the unbelieving world, why else would they give Jesus a chance in their lives?

What then can believers do to become living and vibrant witnesses of Christ on earth? Learn more about Jesus, meditate in His ways and grow in His grace (2 Pet 3:18), and in due time, with the Holy Spirit as your Teacher (John 14:26), heart transformation will occur, which ultimately will translate into your actions (Rom 12:1). Know that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior; and whosoever will believe in Him shall never die (John 3:16).

Because believers are still living in a fallen world, challenges, trials and tribulations may occur. Life may at times be very difficult. But now, having known and believed, put God foremost and let His “bigness” overshadow any and all problems. For instance, if right now you’re facing challenges in this health and economic crisis, (like losing a job or contracting the virus), know and believe that NOTHING compares to our God and His Almighty power. For believers, with this truth on their side, there should be a sense of calm and peace, and a positive expectation that all things work for good (Rom 8:28). God is in control; He’ll always find a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:19).

Friends, just remember this important truth, and get the most out of this verse as you meditate on it today:

What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?

Rom 8:32