Day 16: Don’t Just Walk with Him, Touch Jesus!


Today, there are many of us, born again believers, who think that just because we go to church regularly and people know that we are Christians, that we are “touching Jesus”.

The lines between “Walking with Jesus” and “Touching Jesus” have been blurred.

Now this is not to be confused with being born again. By being born again, you immediately walk with Jesus but there is a difference between merely “walking” with Jesus and actually “touching” Jesus.

SCRIPTURAL TRUTH of the difference between “Walking with Jesus” and “Touching Jesus”:

43 Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any,
44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped.
45 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master,the multitudes throng and press You and You say, “Who touched Me?”
46 But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.”

Luke 8:43-46

Multitudes were walking with Jesus, even Peter and His disciples were walking with Him. Peter Himself said that the multitudes are thronging and pressing against Jesus but from none of them did Jesus specifically mention that someone touched Him until the woman who came to take from Him the healing she needed touched the border of His garment.

How did Jesus define “touching Him”? He said “power going out from Him.”

Peter and the rest were merely walking with Jesus and some of them probably touched Him Himself (in the natural) as the rest kept pressing on to see the face of The One everyone is calling The Messiah but Jesus didn’t stop in His tracks for them (He was on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter).

Only when by a hand touched the border of His garment to take from Him the healing power needed did Jesus stop, turn around and took the time to look a woman in the eye and called her daughter.

And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

Luke 8:48

Drawing and taking from Jesus whatever we need is what Jesus calls “touching Him” and He would stop in His tracks for anyone who does.

Father, thank You for showing us Your heart through Your Son Jesus. Thank You that You have made Yourself available to us to draw from whatever we need.

Jesus, thank You that through You, we have been reconciled back to the Father as sons and daughters, children of the Most High, and because You have done so, we can come boldly to God our Father, ask and draw from Him what we need.

Holy Spirit, continue to grow us in the knowledge of the grace and truth that is in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.