Day 11: God Does Not Take Away Blessings; God Gives!

FALSE NOTION of what GOD does:

Today, many born again believers still think that when they do wrong, God takes away His blessings from them because they read what Job said in Job 1:21:

And he said:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked shall I return there.
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

They think that it was God who killed Job’s family and had his possessions taken away from him.

SCRIPTURAL TRUTH within the context of the preceding verses:

This account happened long before Jesus died on the cross. Notice in Job 1:6 that during the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan came among them.

Satan never had a place among them. It was Adam’s place that he used. You see, when Adam fell, he not only cursed the entire human race, Adam also essentially gave up his authority to Satan, part of which is the privilege to stand before the Lord. Satan used Adam’s spot to accuse and attack
Job’s character.

If you read on in Job 1:12, God allowed Satan to use Adam’s authority over Job because Adam’s authority spans the entire world (Genesis shows how God had given Adam dominion over all in this world) and Adam had forfeited his dominion to Satan when he gave in to the temptation in the
garden of Eden.

It was not God who did the horrible incidents that happened in Job’s life. It was Satan.

SCRIPTURAL TRUTH for our time today under the new covenant cut by the blood of Jesus:

Job lived at a time when animal sacrifices were done to atone for sins [Job 1:5]. We live in the time AFTER the death of Jesus had happened.

When Jesus died on the cross, all animal sacrifices were no longer needed because all sins of the entire humanity have been placed on the body of Jesus and dealt with on the cross.

When a person believes in Jesus, he dies to himself and becomes born again because of the death, the burial and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, in other words, he becomes a new creation [2 CORINTHIANS 5:17], meaning, he has been cut off from the line of Adam and had been grafted into the line of Jesus.

Today, Satan has zero authority because Jesus had taken back man’s authority through His death, burial and resurrection [Matthew 28:18].

Any man who remains in the line of Adam is subject to the accusations of Satan on his character which allows Satan to manipulate him to use man’s own authority to destroy himself.

Born again believers are no longer in Adam’s line but in Jesus’ line which means even if Satan accuses and attacks his character, a born again believer can just point to Jesus and know that all those accusations have been dealt with on the body of Jesus and in doing so, he does not allow
Satan to manipulate to use his own authority to destroy himself.

SCRIPTURAL TRUTH that clearly outlines who takes away the blessings from man even born again believers:

God is only out to bless and give and provide. There is nothing that He needs to take away from anyone to enlarge Himself. All things are His.

God gives and gives but there is a real enemy who is out to make man suffer — Satan.

Jesus Himself said in John 10:10:

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

It is the enemy who steals, who kills and destroys from humanity. Not God.
God even gave Jesus Himself and there is nothing or no one greater than Jesus. If God gave us Jesus, then how much more will He give us all other things?

Father, thank You that You are only out to bless us and never to take anything away from us. Grow us in the knowledge of Your grace and truth through Your Son Jesus Christ. Teach us to know how to rightly divide the word of Your truth so we are not led astray.

Jesus, thank You that You came and You showed us the heart of the Father expressly displayed through Your death on the cross for us.

Holy Spirit, teach us in all Scriptures the things concerning Jesus and grow us in the knowledge of His grace. Amen!