Day 8: God Still Shuts Lions’ Mouths for His Children Today

No child of God should be surprised when the world envies or goes against him/her. Instead, a child of God should just beam and enjoy being God’s beloved.

There is no need to argue, prove who you are to anyone and compromise. Your Father in heaven approves of you.

Such was the case with Daniel. The circle of people he moved around with in Babylon tried to find fault against him and when they couldn’t find any, they plotted against his faith in God.

It wasn’t a mere plot of destroying his image or reputation. No. It was a plot intended to kill him and they wittingly deceived the king to sign the decree, who was made to believe Daniel knew about it.

The decree is pretty much summed up to this — No one was to worship any god or anything other than the king for thirty days. Anyone who violates the decree is to be thrown into a lions’ den.

Look at what faith looks like in action.

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open towards Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

DANIEL 6:10-11 [NKJV]

Daniel did not allow a decree to come between him and the God of Israel whom he worships.

During that period, the law of the Medes and Persians state that when a decree is signed, not even the king who signed it can alter it.

The king had no choice but to have Daniel thrown into the lions’ den as stipulated in the decree.

You all know the story how Daniel came out of the lions’ den unscathed after staying in it an entire night.

Here’s the lesson from this:

God never leaves His children nor forsake them so where they go, He goes so that even if the world sends them into a lions’ den, God is there and He will shut lions’ mouths.

Every child of God is already in the safest place there is — in CHRIST JESUS.

Compromising to the world’s standards opens up a child of God to the consequences of a poor use of free will.

Reflection Question:

As a child of God, do you know that today, because of Jesus’ redemptive work, you are already hidden in Christ Jesus and in you dwells the Holy Spirit? In other words, you are wrapped up in the person of Jesus fully protected in Him.

So that where you go, He goes and because where you go, He goes, you don’t need to fear and cower under the pressure of the world’s standards.

Radical Faith in Action:

Remind yourself everyday that you are a child of God which means who you are is God’s beloved; where you are is in Christ Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father in Christ Jesus.

Whenever you start feeling the pressure to compromise, remind yourself “I am God’s beloved in Christ and in Christ, I don’t need to compromise.”