Day 6: Believing Without Seeing Is Not Blind Faith – I’m Just That Sure of My God!

“To see is to believe” is a very common saying in the world. But for Christ-believers, the opposite is true – we believe, and then we’ll see the results. That is what radical faith is all about!

…as you have believed, so let it be done for you…

Matthew 8:13

Take the story of a woman with the issue of blood for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” And immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. (Mark 5:25-29)

Notice her radical faith when she thought that by the mere touching of Jesus’ clothes, she will receive her healing. And by acting on her faith, the healing manifested in her body! Believing first, then the result follows.

Take another story, this time of a wealthy tax collector but a man of short stature – the story of Zacchaeus. He wanted to see Jesus, and ran ahead of the crowd to climb a tree. When Jesus reached his spot on the tree, He looked up, asked Zacchaeus to come down, and asked him if He can be a guest in his house. Zacchaeus opened his home to the Savior and salvation has come to his house. (Luke 19:1-10)

Notice again, Zacchaeus’ radical faith when he wanted to see Jesus (must have been from all the great stories he’s been hearing about the Savior and how He’s saving people!). And then, he acted on his faith by climbing up a tree to see Him. In doing so, Zacchaeus received his salvation that day! Believing first, then the result follows.

Friends, as Christ-believers, we are called to believe first, then the results will follow. That is not blind faith – it’s just we are that sure of who our God is. That’s the beauty of being a born-again Christian – the anticipation of when God’s promises will come to pass. And they will come to pass in our lives! It’s not a matter of “if they will come to pass” but “when they will come to pass.”

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

As we hold fast to the faith that we are called to have, remember that faith comes in different sizes. There’s no one-size fits all about faith. And even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, God can use any size of faith to make His promises come to pass in your life. So wield the faith that you have and come boldly to God and ask Him anything in Jesus’ name!

Reflection Questions:

When faced with a choice “to see first before believing” or “to believe first, and then the results will manifest,” which of the two do you ascribe most? Why is that?

For a Christ-believer, would you like to use your faith – by believing first, and then seeing the results? You can do this when you have a greater revelation of who God is and how sure His promises are for you and in your life. Would you like to know how?

Radical Faith in Action:

Ask the Holy Spirit – as the greatest teacher there is – to encourage and empower you to know more about God, and what His Son – Jesus Christ – has accomplished on the cross for you and in your behalf. And continue to read and listen to anointed teaching and preaching – because remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17).

Our commitment here at SEEDE: we write Jesus-centered, Spirit-filled, faith-igniter posts to encourage and empower Christ-believers of who they are and whose they are. Come back on a daily basis and learn about Jesus and His finished work – and in time, see your faith blossom! We’re in this together #togetherinchrist