Day 17: With Jesus, Grace Wins Every Time!

Our God loves to help those who need help. We see this when Jesus was on earth. He never once turned away anyone who sought Him. When a lady with the issue of blood touched His garment, Jesus never rebuked the lady and she immediately received healing and wholeness (Mark 5:25–34). Jesus raised the son of the widow in Nain (Luke 7:11–17), and He raised Lazarus, His friend (John 11:38-44). When multitudes of people did not have food to eat, Jesus multiplied the loaves of bread and fish so more than five thousand are fed (Matthew 14:13-21).

These are just a few of the examples provided in the Bible showing Jesus’ ability and willingness to help those in need. And that’s very comforting to know and see through those examples, because the Bible also said that whatever the Father does, the Son also does – indicating that our God is in the business of helping those who need help!

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

John 5:19

If in your mind, you are asking these questions: What have I done to deserve God’s love? Or why would God even bother to help me, I am a nobody?

The answer is simple, yet profound: It’s all because of GRACE! Realize that just by our own self-effort or any “works” on our own, we cannot earn any of God’s blessings. But God, because of His great love towards His people, He sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, to take the brokenness of man – in the form of sin – and bore them all on the cross. Jesus, died in man’s place, so that any man who receive Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer may share in the blessings that Jesus died for on the cross and paid dearly through His blood. That’s GRACE – a free gift for the underserving! Nobody deserves it, that’s why our self-effort or any “works” won’t cut it. Grace cannot be bought nor earned.

And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

Romans 11:6

Friends, know that our God is in the business of mending those who are broken-hearted, helping those who are lost, loving those who feel un-loved, healing those who are sick, providing for those who are in need, and forgiving those who’ve sinned. If you’re in dire need of help today, seek the source of grace, the person of Jesus, and receive what He has done for you, in you and with you! And be reminded of this truth through this song by Matthew West, Grace Wins.

In my weakest moment I see you
Shaking your head in disgrace
I can read the disappointment
Written all over your face

Here comes those whispers in my ear
Saying who do you think you are
Looks like you’re on your own from here
‘Cause grace could never reach that far

But, in the shadow of that shame
Beat down by all the blame
I hear you call my name sayin’ it’s not over
And my heart starts to beat
So loud now, drowning out the doubt
I’m down but I’m not out

There’s a war between guilt and grace
And they’re fighting for a sacred space
But I’m living proof
Grace wins every time

No more lying down in death’s defeat
Now I’m rising up in victory
Singing hallelujah
Grace wins every time

Words can’t describe the way it feels
When mercy floods a thirsty soul
A broken side begins to heal
And grace returns what guilt has stole

And, in the shadow of that shame
Beat down by all the blame
I hear you call my name sayin’ it’s not over
And my heart starts to beat
So loud now, drowning out the doubt
I’m down but I’m not out

For the prodigal son, grace wins
For the woman at the well, grace wins
For the blind man and the beggar, grace wins
For always and forever, grace wins
For the lost out on the street, grace wins
For the worst part of you and me, grace wins
For the thief on the cross, grace wins