Day 17: Faith is Trusting God Can Use Simple Things for Your Victory
In ancient warfare, if you are a commander of an army trying to capture a city whose walls are so thick, chariot races are done around its walls, you would definitely consider any, a combination or all of these to get past enemy walls:
- wall climbers who would open the city gates from the inside
- battering rams
- catapults
- siege towers
Not when you are in God’s army.
The children of Israel’s siege of the city of Jericho is a wonderful example of this. God’s ways are supernaturally easy for man. His instruction on how to get past the enemy wall is simple.
Joshua 6:3-5 records the Lord’s instruction to Joshua:
You see, God doesn’t let His children labor much for victory. He never asked for the children of Israel to build battering rams or catapults or siege towers. No. He simply used what they already have and asked them to do what they are used to doing:
- trumpets of rams’ horns and the ark of the covenant
AND - blowing trumpets, marching and shouting.
When the children of Israel used what they have and did what they are used to doing in obedience to the command of the Lord, the thick walls of the city of Jericho fell down flat.
JOSHUA 6:20 records the details of what happened:
Reflection Question:
Do you know that God doesn’t need a whole lot of theatrics and gimmicks from us, His children, to give us the victory we need in our areas of frustrations?
Jesus already won all victory and paid for our victory with His own blood. The only participation from us is to raise our voices in worship, not because God needs our worship (surprise! His angels can do a way better job at it) but because worshipping Him is us telling Him to do what we cannot do on our own and giving Him thanks for the sure victory that will manifest into our reality.
Radical Faith in Action:
In the areas of your life where you feel constantly frustrated and you don’t seem to see any progress, cast all your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you [1 PETER 5:7] then get into a state of worship, thanking Him for His goodness and His faithfulness to carry you through your valley into your victory.