Day 14: Your “Yes” is a Seed for God’s Miracle

There was a boy in a gathering of thousands who brought five loaves of bread and two fish. At that time, Jesus’ disciples were looking for ways to feed the crowd who were following Him, and all they were able to find is the boy with his food.

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

John 6:9,11

We know the story: Jesus performed a miracle and multiplied the loaves of bread and fish. Every single one in the crowd had their fill and ate as much as they wanted. And twelve baskets full of leftovers were gathered by those who had eaten.

But just for a moment, imagine a different scenario: what if the boy did not want to share his food – the five loaves of bread and two fish, will this miracle even be recorded in the Bible?

Now this time, take this other story: Jesus was standing by the lake as the people were crowding around Him and listening as He taught the word of God. To better teach the people and so He can sit down, Jesus got into one of the boats – the one belonging to Simon – and asked him to put out a little farther from the shore. When He finished teaching, Jesus asked Simon to put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.

But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.

Luke 5:5-6

Now again, just for a moment, imagine this different scenario: what if Simon did not allow Jesus to get aboard his boat nor heeded His instructions to let down their net for a catch, will Simon even be one of the disciples?

What’s the common thread, then, in these two stories that we can all learn from?

Firstly, God uses situations and circumstances to manifest and show up His power in our lives. Some of these situations and circumstances are not from Him, but He promised that He can turn these things around and use them for our good and the good of others (Romans 8:28). Jesus multiplied the boy’s food to feed thousands, and Jesus blessed the boat He got into as manifested by the boat-sinking catch they got.

Secondly, God needed our consent for His miracles to manifest. Without the cooperation of the boy and of Simon, the miracles would not have happened. If the boy said no when the disciples wanted to take his food, Jesus would not have the loaves of bread and fish to use for the multiplication. And if Simon did not allow Jesus to come aboard his boat, Jesus would not have the opportunity to bless the fishermen with a great catch.

Lastly, God gifted us with talents unique to each one of us. Of the thousands who were in the gathering to hear Jesus, only this particular boy brought the five loaves of bread and two fish that Jesus used to multiply. And of the many boats in the lake, only Simon’s boat was use by Jesus for teaching the word of God, and later as a result, was used to bless the fishermen with a miraculous catch even after a night of toiling and catching nothing.

Reflection Questions:

What talent(s) did God placed in you that He can use and utilize for His glory – in your life and in the lives of others that you have influence? Are you cognizant of God’s call to use and utilize these talent(s) that you have? Are you willing for God to use and utilize your talent(s) for His glory?

Radical Faith in Action:

Ask God to point out the talent(s) inherent in you that He wants to use for His glory. It may just be the “food” that you brought or the “boat” that you own – so to speak – just like the stories illustrated above. Once you allow God to use them for His glory, they will be used gloriously and you will be part of His miracle in affecting people and touching lives.

Don’t be hesitant when God prompts you to do something for Him. Always, what He’s asking for you to do, you already have it in you. All you need is to consent for Him to use and utilize you or what you have (your talents). And He will bless you as a result of allowing Him to work His miracles through you.

It’s really interesting to realize: He was the One who gifted you with the talent(s) in the first place. And when you consent for Him to use and utilize the talent(s), He will bless you for allowing Him to use and utilize them. So bottom line for your part: just consent and allow Him to use and utilize you for His glory – and gloriously, you’re going to be blessed in the process!