Day 9: In the Name of Jesus, Coronavirus, I Cast You Out from Our Midst!

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

Mark 11:23

In the midst of any problem, there are two ways for born-again Christians to get out of the situation: the passive way and the active way. Which one is the better option? Find out for yourself!

For most Christ-believers, we pray to God and tell Him about our problem, with the hope that God will resolve it for us. “Dear God, this problem is bothering me, will you please take it away?” God can definitely do that for you. That is one way of dealing with the issue, pleading to God to act on our behalf. I call this the passive way. Is there a better approach? You bet!

Realize that God has already acted on our behalf through His Son. Through Jesus’ finished and redemptive work on the cross, God has bestowed upon us, His people, the authority and power to overcome the devil. Know that because of the cross, Jesus has already defeated and destroyed the enemy. That’s good news, indeed!

Knowing this, the better way therefore, in dealing with problems, especially those problems brought forth by the enemy – like this coronavirus, is for Christ-believers to wield the authority and power that the risen Lord has freely given to us. “In the Name of Jesus, through His victory alone, I rebuke you coronavirus!” Since we’ve been empowered by the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross, we can now speak directly to our mountains (the problems), and cast them out of our midst. I call this the active way of fighting the enemy.

Friends, let us be rooted in the truth that Jesus has righteously secured us, through His blood, from the snares and schemes of the devil. Let us activate our faith, freely applying in our situations and circumstances, the authority and power that is already ever-present in us.

Prayer for Today:

Father, I thank you for Jesus and everything that He has done for me, in me and with me. His one-and-perfect act on the cross made me the victorious person I am today, in the midst of the pandemic. He has redeemed me from the curse of this world, so that today I can stand in the sure foundation of my Rock – Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. Empower me, God, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, that I may be bold to wield the authority and power that’s in me, to enforce what Jesus has already accomplished. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Faith in Action:

1) Use the name of Jesus to stop the pandemic in its tracks and use the name of Jesus to loose The Father’s anointing of healing into the earth as you declare:

In the Name of Jesus, coronavirus, I cast you out from our midst!

2) Invite other Christ-believers to do the 21-Day Challenge. Let us build an army of well-abled and spiritually-ready soldiers in this battle. The more spiritual soldiers we have, the faster the victory manifests in the physical realm. #21daystovictory

3) Come back every day, be refreshed and motivated, in a community of like-minded Christ-believers. Share your experiences and testimonies with others, as we win this fight!