Day 16: God Will Deliver Us From Covid!

“If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.”

Daniel 3:17 (NKJV)

If the three young men thrown into the fiery furnace came out of it unharmed without the smell of fire on them under the old covenant of the blood of bulls and goats, how much more will God protect and deliver us now that we have a new covenant cut by the blood of no other than the Son of God Himself?

What is the blood of bulls and goats of the old covenant compared to the eternal blood of JESUS, The Son of God Himself?

What is a burning fiery furnace compared to the eternal fire of hell?

If God honored the old covenant of the blood of bulls and goats and protected the three young men who chose to die instead of worshipping other gods, how much more will He protect us from the pandemic?

If Jesus Himself came to die for us to protect us from the eternal lake of fire of hell, how much more will He protect us from the pandemic?

We will take Jesus for His word and His faithfulness that if He is able to deliver from the burning fiery furnace then He will deliver us from this pandemic.

Our God is able and willing to deliver.

Prayer for Today:

Father, thank You that You cut an eternal covenant with us with the blood of no other than Your own Son, JESUS. Thank You that You are true and faithful to Your covenant.

If You sent us Your Son Jesus to deliver us from hell and give us eternal life, then we know and believe that You will deliver us from this pandemic, not because of ourselves but because Jesus paid for this promise of protection to hold true by His blood.

Thank You, Father, that You have delivered us and our loved ones from this pandemic in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Faith in Action:

1) Stand on the faithfulness of our God and keep yourself established on His promise and declare:

God will deliver us from covid!

2) Invite other Christ-believers to do the 21-Day Challenge. Let us build an army of well-abled and spiritually-ready soldiers in this battle. The more spiritual soldiers we have, the faster the victory manifests in the physical realm. #21daystovictory

3) Come back every day, be refreshed and motivated, in a community of like-minded Christ-believers. Share your experiences and testimonies with others, as we win this fight!