Day 14: Fear, Be Thy Removed!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Tim 1:7 (NKJV)

Oftentimes, the reason we become fearful and anxious of anything is because we don’t have a greater revelation of what God has already done in us, for us and with us. Once we’ve dealt with the source of the fear and anxiety, we can truly say: Fear, be thy removed! It behooves for us, then, to determine the sources of our fear and anxiety:

For instance, the reason why Christ-believers are afraid of dying is the belief that death is the end of it all, that there’s no after life. This is, obviously, not true. Death is not the end, but rather, the beginning of an eternal life in the presence of God Almighty. That is definitely good news – rather than be encumbered in our earthly bodies, by our death, we will then have a glorified body and instantaneously be with God forever in eternity (John 10:28). That is not a scary thought; in fact, that is very comforting to know, for those who have received Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer.

Another source of fear and anxiety concerns the area of provision. We think of God as having a limited supply of any provision, not realizing that He’s created everything in the physical and spiritual realm. Every resource on earth and in the universe abounds super-abundantly. There is no lack in Him; and for us, His sheep, we just have to realize and believe that we are cared for, well-provided, and we shall not want (Psalm 23:1)! Be reminded of this promise: For God who did not spare His own Son, Jesus, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, with Him [Jesus], freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

Still, another instance where believers are fearful and anxious pertains to protection from the enemy, the devil, and all its schemes, such as what’s happening now with the pandemic. The problem stems from not knowing the perfect work of Jesus on the cross, that by His once-and-for-all sacrifice, He has also forever defeated the enemy. Through Jesus, the devil has been overcome. For Christ-believers, all we need to do is stand by this victory and by faith enforce what He has already completed and accomplished for us. It is our God-given right, being heirs and joint-heirs of Christ (Romans 8:17).

Prayer for Today:

Father, I thank you for NOT giving me the spirit of fear. I thank you for giving me Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ – who took my place of defeat, and made me victorious in Him on the cross. Through His victory, I have overcome the enemy, including the fear that comes from the devil.

God, if fear is prevalent in my life today, I ask you to show me why I am fearful and anxious. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, allow me to get to the root cause of the issue, so that by Your Grace, I can instead have Your attributes – power, love and a sound mind. I pray in the Name of Jesus, AMEN!

Faith in Action:

1) Know that fear is not from God – in fact it is of the devil’s. What God has given you, instead, is power, love and a sound mind. Harness and wield these attributes in your life, as you declare:

Fear, be thy removed!

2) Invite other Christ-believers to do the 21-Day Challenge. Let us build an army of well-abled and spiritually-ready soldiers in this battle. The more spiritual soldiers we have, the faster the victory manifests in the physical realm. #21daystovictory

3) Come back every day, be refreshed and motivated, in a community of like-minded Christ-believers. Share your experiences and testimonies with others, as we win this fight!