Day 12: Jesus is Risen and Alive! The Enemy’s Defeated!

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Romans 8:11

Jesus is risen and alive as proven by His empty tomb. What a great reminder of the tremendous victory that Jesus earned for us and in us. Realize that without Jesus, it should have been us taking the wages of sin, which is death (Romans 6:23). But because of God’s love towards His people (John 3:16), He sent Jesus, His Beloved Son, to become the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, to condemn sin in His flesh (Romans 8:3) – so that our sins and the wages of sin are crucified with Him and in Him on the cross (Romans 6:6).

Through Jesus’ resurrection, for those who’ve accepted Him as Lord, Savior and Redeemer, we’ve been given a living hope that anchors our souls even in these most difficult times. And a promise was also made: that His people will not be orphaned, but an Advocate, the Spirit of Truth will be with us forever (John 14:15-17). This is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and this same Spirit indwells each one of us. Imagine the power needed to raise Jesus from the dead, to defeat the enemy once and for all. Now, imagine that same power inside of you – awaiting to be released!

Friends, you have this free-gift living inside of you – the Spirit of Truth. This Spirit in us, with the “dynamo” power, is just waiting for us to wield and harness its full potential. And it’s about time for Christ-believers to release and use this power in our situations. Let us enforce the defeat that the enemy already got by Jesus’ cross. We have every right to say: “Devil, I rebuke you!”, “Satan, be gone!”, or “Coronavirus, flee from our midst!” – all because of what Jesus did and has done. And the devil and its cohorts will have to follow!

Prayer for Today:

Father, I thank you for raising Jesus from the dead. Today, as I celebrate His resurrection, I also celebrate His victory over death, and over all the enemies of God. Thank you that the Spirit of Truth abides in me, freely given to those who’ve accepted Jesus, as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord, Savior and Redeemer!

Empower me, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing me to realize that I have the enemy-thumping power inside of me. That through Jesus’ resurrection, my body is also resurrected with Him. I may be on this world, but I am not of this world. As such, empower me also, to wield and harness the full potential of the Holy Spirit in me, to enforce the victory of Jesus in my life and in my situation. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Faith in Action:

1) Know that as a Christ-believer, you have the raising-from-the-dead and enemy-thumping power inside of you. Declare Jesus’ resurrection over your life and situation, and declare His power that is within you over the enemy:

Jesus is risen and alive! The enemy’s defeated!

2) Invite other Christ-believers to do the 21-Day Challenge. Let us build an army of well-abled and spiritually-ready soldiers in this battle. The more spiritual soldiers we have, the faster the victory manifests in the physical realm. #21daystovictory

3) Come back every day, be refreshed and motivated, in a community of like-minded Christ-believers. Share your experiences and testimonies with others, as we win this fight!