Conversation with God: Why seede?

My work now as a nurse consultant for various skilled nursing homes requires me to travel from one facility to another, all over the state of Florida. I vividly remember, it was November 26, 2019, as I was driving the early in the morning the monotonous highway of SR-528 – from my home in Melbourne to a facility in Winter Haven – as I was listening to Z88.3 in the background, I heard a voice in the inside of me.

Now mind you, normally during long trips, I either listen to anointed sermons (more on those on later postings) or I do converse with God, through prayers and worship songs. This day, I was talking with God. I was talking to Him about my day, and what His plans are for me. Somewhere near Exit 16, as SR-528 mergers to SR-417, He started to reveal His awesome plans about this ministry – and He revealed the word seed.

So I asked Him, why seed? While He unveiled, in great detail, His plans for this ministry, today I am going to focus on the important starting point – why the word seed .

seed represents all the people in God’s Kingdom. Some are living a life of great revelation and abundance, having that personal relationship with an awesome and wonderful God. That’s not what this ministry will focus much, although these individuals can help and support in its mission.

The second group of people are those who’ve already accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but are still living the un-victorious life that Christians should be enjoying. One reason this group may not be reaping and living the benefits of Christ’s redemptive work, they’re still hold captive in the mindset and bondage of the law instead of grace.

But the most important group of individuals, represented by the seed as well, are those who are yet to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They may be in your direct sphere of influence – family, friends or neighbors; and some of them, you may think don’t need the good news of Christ’s salvation, but deep inside of them, a void remains. Despite life’s comfort, riches, power, and position, only an all-loving God can complete them. The assurance of life eternal is also a factor here, because without accepting Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, these individuals are lost forever.

So the challenge here is this: how can we reach out to these individuals – full of great potential in God’s eyes and represented by the seed, so they can be sown, nurtured to grow and bear fruit for everyone in God’s Kingdom to see? That is where this organization will assist in the process, by providing a means for Christ-believers to share the good news with these individuals, and connect and continue to grow together as productive members of Christ’s family while here on earth, and eternally one day in heaven.

That night of November 26, while sipping a cup of decaf coffee inside my room (I was staying in a hotel for my out-of-town visit), I started searching for variations of seed as a name of the ministry. I came across an old English word for seed – seede, and this one is still available to buy as a domain. Immediately, after praying about it, I registered the domain, and the rest is history.

A few days later, I started working on the design template and functionalities, and today, I am posting my first blog post in Ram’s Corner. I hope to see you in future postings as I document my personal journey in this amazing ministry of seede.

To God be the glory, honor and praise,
